The Anxiety Disorders Clinic provides specialist assessment and treatment for adults (18+) with anxiety disorders.
Assessment involves a specialised diagnostic interview for your patient from which a management plan will be communicated back to you.
Treatment with the clinic involves Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) delivered either face-to-face at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, or via telehealth for rurally located individuals in Australia, as well as the use of iCBT (internet-delivered CBT) courses using This Way Up.
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is a part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD), a joint initiative of St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney and the University of New South Wales.
Resources for Clinicians
CRUfAD treatment manuals
Resource section for clinicians containing treatment manuals and fact-sheets
This Way Up
Online learning programs (iCBT) for anxiety and depressive disorders
Referral template
ADC referral & registration form to complete and return
Benefits for patients at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic
Low / No Cost
There is no charge for assessment if patients have a valid Medicare card. There are also no fees for face-to-face or telehealth CBT treatment.
Specialist Assessment and Management Plan
All patients are assessed by our experienced clinicians (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or senior psychiatry registrars) who specialise in the diagnosis and management of anxiety disorders. Referring doctors are provided with a comprehensive management plan, including recommendations for psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
Face-to-Face or Telehealth
The clinic is able to see patients either face-to-face at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, or via telehealth.
Treatment from Experts
As part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD), the Anxiety Disorders Clinic treatment is founded on over 35 years of research. Our treatment manuals based on this research are also used by clinicians all around the world.
Who is eligible for services at the clinic?
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic is suitable for adult (18+) patients with a primary diagnosis of anxiety.
This includes:
- Social Phobia
- Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Specific Phobia
- Illness Anxiety Disorder
Who is not eligible?
The clinic provides time-limited cognitive behavioural treatments for adults (18+) with specific anxiety disorders. The clinic does not see young people under the age of 18.
We do not prescribe medications.
Many patients will experience symptoms of anxiety that occur within the context of other mental health difficulties. These can include psychosis, chronic emotion dysregulation, eating disorders, chronic life stress, relationship problems and difficulties with self-harm or suicide. If other health difficulties are the primary concern, treatment at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic may not be recommended.
Patients are not accepted for treatment while they are taking benzodiazepines or have alcohol or drug misuse or dependence.
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is not a crisis service and cannot provide long-term support.
Patients whose anxiety disorder is the subject of legal proceedings for financial compensation are not accepted into treatment programs at this clinic, and no medico-legal reports are provided.
Things to consider before referring a patient
Is anxiety the primary issue?
Is CBT a suitable treatment for the patient? Are they motivated to trial a practicle skills-based therapy?
Is the patient dependent on drugs or alcohol?
Is longer term treatment required?

The Anxiety Disorders Clinic (ADC) specialises in the assessment and treatment of adults (18+) with anxiety disorders. The Clinic is part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety (CRUfAD) at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
Contact Us
Level 4, The O’Brien Centre St. Vincent’s Hospital 394-404 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 (Map) (02) 8382 1400
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