Getting started with the Anxiety Disorders Clinic

Step 1: Get a referral and request an appointment
Download the below referral and registration form then visit your GP to discuss whether an assessment and CBT treatment with the Anxiety Disorders Clinic may be appropriate for you.
If your GP believes you may benefit from an assessment with the clinic, return the completed form to:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 02 8382 1401
Any questions, please call us on
02 8382 1400
Please note, all referrals are reviewed by the clinical team before an assessment appointment is offered. If the clinical team does not offer you an assessment appointment, we will endeavour to provide alternative options for you.

Step 2: Confirm your appointment and complete your pre-assessment questionnaires
If you are offered an assessment appointment, we will confirm a date and timewith you, then you will be asked to complete some pre-assessment questionnaires online. These questionnaires must be completed prior to your scheduled appointment.
These questionnaires will make up part of your initial assessment and help to determine an appropriate management plan for you.

Step 3: Your assessment and what happens next
At your initial assessment appointment you will be seen by a specialist clinician who will conduct a directed diagnostic interview. They will ask you a series of specific questions to determine a likely diagnosis and whether you will benefit from treatment with the clinic. Assessments typically last 45-minutes.
Please be aware that this initial assessment is not designed to provide supportive counselling or to obtain a comprehensive history of your difficulties. It is a structured assessment of your current symptoms and experiences to determine an appropriate management plan.
This management plan will be communicated to your GP, and if treatment with the clinic is recommended, a member of our team will contact you to schedule further appointments. If for any reason treatment with the clinic is not recommended, this will also be communicated to your GP along with alternative treatment recommendation where possible.
Is the Anxiety Disorders Clinic right for me?
- You are not in a crisis situation or at risk of self-harm
- Your primary concern is an anxiety disorder
- Your anxiety is not primarily related to trauma or traumatic events
- Your are not suffering from Psychosis or Bipolar Illness
- You are not suffering from Cognitive Impairment (e.g. dementia) or brain injury
- You do not have difficulties managing your anger or aggressoin
- You do not require assessment for a third party (e.g. court, Centrelink, workers compensation)
- You are not using illegal drugs, excessive alcohol or sedatives
- You are seeking a one-off assessment and/or brief, skills-based treatment
- You are 18+ and have a valid Medicare card
Is Telehealth an option for me?
To be eligible for telehealth appointments you must:
- Have reliable internet access and a computer or mobile device with camera and audio
- Reside in a telehealth eligible location
CLICK HERE to check location eligibility. Select ASGS Remoteness Area 2016 and enter your address.
(RA codes 2-5 are eligible + Residential Aged Care Facilities and Aboriginal Medical Services)
ADC's treatment is:
- Face-to-face or telehealth
- Low or No Cost
- Specialised
- Delivered by leading experts in CBT
- Proven and backed by 35 years of research
- Easy to access
Anxiety and low-mood often co-occurs with other difficulties such as psychosis, longstanding difficulties managing emotions, eating disorders, chronic life stress, relationship problems and difficulties with self-harm or suicide. In many cases, it is best to treat other difficulties before addressing the anxiety with CBT.
Patients are not accepted for treatment while they are taking benzodiazepines or have alcohol or drug dependence. We would recommend that these issues be adequately addressed and controlled first.
Patients whose anxiety disorder is the subject of legal proceedings for financial compensation are not accepted into treatment programs at this clinic, and no medico-legal reports are provided.

Contact Us
Level 4, The O’Brien Centre St. Vincent’s Hospital 394-404 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 (Map) (02) 8382 1400
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