About the Anxiety Disorders Clinic

The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is a specialist clinic which provides assessment and treatment for adults (18+)* with anxiety disorders. Treatment with the clinic involves Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), delivered in face-to-face or telehealth sessions and online CBT courses.
Part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD), the Anxiety Disorders Clinic is located at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
People seek treatment with the clinic for a variety of reasons, including:
They see firsthand the positive experiences and outcomes of family and friends who have received treatment at the clinic
They want to understand their anxiety and learn to take charge of it
Their symptoms have just begun and they want to minimise the impact of their anxiety both now and in the future
They are confused or unsure about their diagnosis or treatment options
They have had multiple unsuccessful attempts of other treatments
They have had to live with anxiety for many years
They have decided “enough is enough”
We are dedicated to working together with you and your treating professionals to achieve the best outcomes for you now and in the future.
*If you are looking for help for a child or adolescent with anxiety, please see your GP for a referral to a local clinical psychologist who specialises in treating anxiety in young people. You can also call the NSW Mental Health Access Line on 1800 011 511 for information on public Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in your area.
Treatment from experts
Professor Gavin Andrews founded the Anxiety Disorders Clinic in 1986. He is recognised as one of the world’s foremost experts in the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders. The Clinic’s treatment is founded on over 50 years of research and our treatment programs are widely used by clinicians all over the world.
Our expert team of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists is engaged at the forefront of research invesigating the nature, causes and treatment of anxiety, as well as the training of health professionals and education of the general public.
Multidiscliplinary Team
Our clinical and research team brings a wide array of clinical skills, knowledge and experience. This includes a comprehensive understanding of the biological, medical, psychological and social factors impacting upon the development of anxiety, as well as highly specialised experience in the use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and other psychological treatments, medications, and social and environmental interventions.
When you are a patient at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic, although you may have one primary clinician, they will draw upon the collective wisdom and experience of the entire team. We all work towards one goal – the best outcomes for our patients now and in the future.
Diagnostic Service
All patients referred to the Anxiety Disorders Clinic will recieve a comprehensive diagnosis and management plan. Depending upon the cause and nature of their anxiety or depression, some patients would benefit from participating in one of our online courses or CBT treatment with one of our clinicians. Others may have more pressing matters to attend to (such as a medical issue or a medication change) following which they will return for treatment. Some patients will have anxiety due to another cause which is unlikely to benefit from participating in our treatment programs, but may benefit from referral to another service.
We are committed to communicating with our patients and their treating clinicians what we think the cause of their anxiety is, how we believe it would be best treated, and where the best place to access this treatment is.
Personalised and collaborative care
After 50 years in the field we have grown to understand the impact of anxiety upon patients and their families. We understand how difficult it can be, and how confronting the idea of treatment can be.
We know that the best results are achieved by getting to know you, understanding your experiences, and tailoring our treatment to suit your needs.
Our CBT programs train you to be able to manage your own anxiety, so that you can become an expert in your own care.
No / Low cost
If you are eligible for Medicare rebates there is no charge for assessment or CBT treatment with the Anxiety Disorders Clinic.
If you are prescribed one of our internet-based CBT programs (iCBT), there is a charge of $59 (which may be paid online or by credit card) which grants you access to the program for three months.
Available and accessible treatments
Our online CBT programs are designed to fit in with your lifestyle. You can complete them in any place with an internet connection, at any time. As your treatment is supervised by one of our expert treatment team, you will receive individualised care without stepping foot in our clinic.
Our confidential assessments and treatments are conducted either face-to-face at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, or via telehealth from anywhere in New South Wales. Appointments are available Monday to Friday during business hours.
We are very mindful of the privacy of our patients. All of our treatments are confidential. Medical certificates are available for patients who miss work due to treatment at the Clinic.
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic provides treatment for adults (18+) with:
- Social Anxiety
- Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Specific Phobia
- Illness Anxiety Disorder
Our Structure
The Anxiety Disorder Clinic (ADC) is part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD). CRUfAD is a joint facility of St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, and the University of New South Wales established to reduce the impact of anxiety and depressive disorders on individuals and the community.

Our Team
Established by Professor Gavin Andrews, the Anxiety Disorders Clinic has a dedicated team of experienced psychiatrists and clinical psychologists.
Initial assessments are conducted by specialist clinicians (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and senior psychiatry registrars).
On occasion, intern clinical psychologists and registrars will observe and/or provide treatment. All interns are supervised by specialist clinicians.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion. It involves physical sensations (e.g. increased heart rate and feeling shaky), thoughts about danger or threat (e.g. worrying about getting sick or not getting on well with others) and behaviours (e.g. avoiding situations or seeking reassurance from others).
For some people, anxiety can become problematic. Worries can start to feel uncontrollable and people can start avoiding important activities. There are many different sorts of problematic anxiety.
Managing anxiety
Many people benefit from using practical skills to help them manage their anxiety. At the Anxiety Disorders Clinic, we provide cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) which is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. You can read about managing anxiety with CBT in our CBT manuals.
If you are not sure how you are feeling or where to start, please take our brief test to explore your experiences.

The Anxiety Disorders Clinic (ADC) specialises in the assessment and treatment of adults (18+) with anxiety disorders. The Clinic is part of the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety (CRUfAD) at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
Contact Us
Level 4, The O’Brien Centre St. Vincent’s Hospital 394-404 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 (Map) (02) 8382 1400
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